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HTML Skills

All about HTML

What is HTML?

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a markup language derived from SGML, used to describe web sites and applications to be run in a common web browser. Invented in 1993 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, HTML documents are broken up into HTML elements, which describe the component parts of the document. HTML attempts to provide a means for defining the structure of the data in a document, while also giving control over the presentation of the document.

Starting in 1996, CSS was developed as an adjunct to HTML to better separate document presentation. This is meant to allow documents to be written in a way that more clearly and accurately reflects the structure of the information, without being distorted by presentational needs. Today, CSS and HTML are almost always used in conjunction.

What to use HTML for

  • Content Structuring: HTML is used to structure the content of web pages, organizing text, images, and multimedia elements into a logical hierarchy of headings, paragraphs, lists, and sections.
  • Semantic Markup: HTML enables developers to add semantic meaning to content, using tags like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> to describe the purpose and role of different parts of a web page.
  • Creating Links and Navigation: HTML allows developers to create hyperlinks and navigation menus, enabling users to navigate between different pages and sections of a website.
  • Embedding Multimedia: HTML supports embedding multimedia content such as images, audio, video, and interactive elements like forms and widgets, enriching the user experience and enhancing engagement.
  • Accessibility: HTML provides features for creating accessible web content, including semantic markup, alternative text for images, and keyboard navigation, ensuring that web pages are usable by people with disabilities.

What is an HTML developer?

Here’s what it means to be an HTML developer:

  • Web Development Specialist: An HTML developer is a web development specialist who focuses on creating and structuring content using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Proficient in HTML: An HTML developer is proficient in HTML syntax, elements, and attributes, and knows how to use them to create well-structured and semantically meaningful web pages.
  • Understanding of Web Standards: An HTML developer understands web standards and best practices for creating accessible, responsive, and SEO-friendly web content that conforms to industry standards and guidelines.
  • Collaborative Team Player: An HTML developer collaborates with designers, frontend developers, and other team members to implement web designs and user interfaces, ensuring consistency and compatibility across different browsers and devices.
  • Continuous Learner: An HTML developer stays up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in web development, constantly learning new techniques, tools, and technologies to improve their skills and stay competitive in the field.

Most important HTML developer skills in 2024

  • Semantic HTML: Mastery of semantic HTML5 elements and attributes for structuring content and providing meaning and context to web pages.
  • Accessibility: Understanding of accessibility principles and techniques for creating web content that is usable by people with disabilities, including keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and alternative text for images.
  • Responsive Design: Knowledge of responsive web design principles and techniques for creating web pages that adapt and respond to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • SEO Optimization: Familiarity with search engine optimization (SEO) best practices and techniques for optimizing web content for search engines, including using relevant keywords, meta tags, and structured data markup.
  • Performance Optimization: Understanding of performance optimization techniques for improving web page load times and reducing bandwidth usage, including optimizing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, and using browser caching.

HTML resources

Check out our resources to continue sharpening your HTML skills.

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Why should you hire HTML developers?

  • Foundational Expertise: HTML developers bring foundational expertise in web development, providing the essential building blocks for creating visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly web pages.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: HTML developers collaborate closely with designers, frontend developers, and backend developers to bring web designs to life, ensuring that web pages are accurately implemented and function as intended.
  • Accessibility and SEO: HTML developers ensure that web content is accessible to all users and optimized for search engines, improving usability, discoverability, and overall user satisfaction.
  • Adaptability and Growth: HTML developers are adaptable and continuously evolving, staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies in web development to deliver innovative and cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of users and businesses.
  • Foundation for Success: Hiring HTML developers lays the foundation for successful web projects, enabling you to create engaging, interactive, and responsive web experiences that captivate users and drive business growth in the digital age.

Assess tech candidates for HTML skills

Looking for candidates skilled in HTML? Technical assessments are a multi-pronged solution. They allow you to streamline the hiring process and reduce bias with tech skill-focused benchmarks. 

Hired Assessments offer a library of hundreds of questions and customizable coding challenge campaigns tailored to technical preferences. Centralize and standardize your evaluation process as you surface top talent with specific, hard-to-find skills.

See how Mastercard and Axon used Hired Assessments to vet top candidates.

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